Silvergy is a Software Development company driven by passion, ambition and cutting-edge technology.

WHAT is our story?
We're two passionate software developers, married, having a high-level background in computer engineering.
Each of us holds a Master's degree and a Bachelor's degree from the University Al. Ioan Cuza of Iasi, Romania.
We earned the Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science in 2006, and then pursued Master's degrees in Computational Optimization at the same University, graduating in 2008.
We both teamed up in the Masters Disertation thesis for optimizing a goods delivery network with real data using the k-Traveling Repairmen Problem and Neural Networks algorithms. We received highest grades.
Dan began his career in Romania as Java developer in 2004 and continued his experience as developer, then architect in several companies outsourcing for Italy and Denmark. Monica has professional experience since 2005, as a .Net developer, then Java. Additionally, she has also gained several years of experience as a project manager.
After relocating to Brussels in 2011, we continued working for several well known organizations from public and private sector (like the European Commission, Belgacom, Federal Public Services, Sony, Swift).
Now we currently work at our startup project, www.exokeep.com. Please take a look.
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